No hay preguntas pendejas.. hay pendejos

Pendejeando por internet me encontré una página donde hay un salón de la fama de preguntas o comentarios pendejos, como es muy parecido a mi sección favorita de este blog (tag Overheard) he decidido incluir algunas para el deleite de ustedes mis 3 fieles lectores.

1)Texas A&M, College Station, TX
Submitted by Jordy

In Anthropology, Peoples and Cultures of the World, we were talking about
early and current foraging cultures:

Professor: Studies have shown, contrary to popular belief, a typical hunter-gatherer would only work 42 hours.
The Brilliance: Is that per day?

2) UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA
Submitted by Chris

In an art history class discussing civilizations and natural resources...

Professor: What are some other natural resources in the middle east?
Back-Row Warrior: The pyramids?
Professor: Um, no...

3) University of San Diego, San Diego, CA

Submitted by Jeff

In my Life in the Oceans Class, discussing the sexual behavior of dolphins:

Professor: So, Dolphins are one of only a few species of animals on Earth who have sex not only for reproduction, but also for pleasure.
Blondie: Do humans have sex for reasons other than reproduction too?

5) Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Submitted by Jeremy

So this is in my Great Philosophical Questions class. We were discussing
whether or not God existed:

Grade-A Genius: But if we can't prove whether God exists or not should we even bother talking about it?
Professor: Yes, because this is Philosophy class.

6) University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN
Submitted by Sam

In my senior Political Psychology discussion -- where we break up into
smaller groups to discuss paper and midterm topics:

TA: Is everyone here in the right room? Everyone in here should have last
names beginning with R through Z?
The Brilliance: So where is S?
Class: *Complete silence*
TA: S is after R.

(Ahh el alfabeto es tan complicado)

7) St. Johns University, Queens, NY
Submitted by Anthony

During Science, where the professor is demonstrating static by
separating sand with a baloon.

Blonde Broad:
Is that like what Jesus did with like the Red Sea?

Professor: You mean Moses?

Blonde Broad: The guy with the boat?

Professor throws up

(en dos palabras VER GA)

8) UMass, Amherst, MA
Submitted by Doug

Double-Whammy in an astronomy lecture.

Professor: What benefits does the Earth receive by having an atmosphere?
Contestant #1: Gravity?
Contestant #2: Night and Day?

Pronto habrá más

Es bueno que te hayas dado cuenta de que no hay 4 en esta lista :)


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